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Defra has announced new rules which include compulsory registration requirements for all bird keepers, as part of a new measure to combat outbreaks of avian influenza

Defra has announced new rules which include compulsory registration requirements for all bird keepers, as part of a new measure to combat outbreaks of avian influenza.

Previously, only those who keep 50 or more poultry were required to register their birds on the poultry register.

However, the new requirements mean that all bird keepers must officially register their birds with Defra, regardless of the size of their flock. Information required includes their contact details, the location where birds are kept and details of the birds, such as species, number and what they are kept for.

Keepers will also be legally required to update their information on an annual basis.

In England and Wales, keepers have until 1 October 2024 to register. In Scotland the date is 1 September.

Being on the poultry register means that bird keepers will receive relevant updates, such as information on local bird flu outbreaks and biosecurity rules. The information will also be used to identify all bird keepers in disease control zones. 

Defra believes that these changes will help to manage potential disease outbreaks, such as avian influenza and Newcastle disease, and limit any spread.

Christine Middlemiss, the UK's chief veterinary officer (CVO), said these new rules would enable the government to "have a full picture" of any disease situation.

She said: “This information will be vital in helping to inform future risk assessments and maintain our commitment to continually building our extensive avian influenza research portfolio.”

The new rules cover owners of backyard flocks, birds of prey and pigeon fanciers, but do not affect caged pet birds.

The requirements have not yet been set out in legislation, but Defra state this will happen shortly.

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